Thursday, November 11, 2010

Oh No Way!! A Liger?! (Video!!!)
As I was searching for a blog to write about, the one about a rare species called a liger caught my eye. Basically, this blog explains how the Institute of Greatly Endangered and Rare Species (T.I.G.E.R.S,) created the liger project. The institute’s director, Dr. Bhagavan Antle, points out that a male lion breeding with a female tigress has only happened three times, & that lions and tigers don't generally reproduce in the first place. This animal can grow up to 183 cm. and can weigh more than 406 kg. The liger is a very interesting new animal because it gets specific traits from both his mother and father. They apparently have great social skills and love to interact and play. They get this from their lion father. From the tiger mother, they receive traits such as their love for water.
In my opinion, the institute came up with a wonderful project & it's very amusing to learn about.
In class lately we've been talking about how one animal effect another, and this blog is a great example of how animals can reproduce with other animals causing adaptation. Because of the enormous size of this animal I definitely wouldn't second guess myself as to where it would land on the food chain. (blog) (picture)